Monday, October 25, 2010

Transfer 8 Week 4, October 25, 2010

Dear Mom/Family.

First off, Sister Sara Austin. (for her return address labels (thank you!))

Now here are Grandma's Q's:

How are things going? New investigators? Still working a lot with the YSAs?
Things are going great here. We've found some, but they don't really stick, some do, but for the most part, they don't. Yes, we are still working with the YSAs of the Murray Ward. they are awesome.

Have you learned your way around the town?
I'm still learning it, but Sister Austin has it down pretty well.

How is the ward made up....older people or mostly younger people....little children??
The ward's made up of mostly older people and younger people (mix, but mostly older) the primary is tiny. Even thougjh there are quite a few families.

Large ward...small ward??
It's a smaller ward, the smallest I've served in. (they don't use the overflow, all the other wards have.)

Do you have a car or are you walking??
Me, Walk? Never! Hahaha . . . we do walk at times but this is a full-time car area. (every area I'll be in will be a full time car--go bike accident)

Questions, questions. Oh one more, did you get my snail mails?? I hope that you did.
Yes, I did I did. Thank you for the mail.

We had 7 non members at church yesturday. Go Primary program! That's the most we've had in the 3 weeks we've been here.

I'm going to send this off now just so it gets to you in time, and so I have time to send it before the computer kicks me off.


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