Monday, June 7, 2010

Transfer 5 Week 2, June 7, 2010


Angie, I'm anxious to hear more about you and Sister Winder. You knew her back in your Cookeville days, right?
Yup, Sister Winder and I knew each other in Cookeville, Tennessee before Sister Goff and I left for Dickson (I miss Dickson ) but I'll work hard here in McMinnville.

I'm especially wanting your local address. If you don't know it by heart already, I bet she does, so be sure to send it.
103 Main Street Apt 203 McMinnville, Tennessee I don't know the zip code (sorry) [It's 37110.]

How's the work in McMinnville? Have you got people you're teaching? How's the Ward and the members?
The work isn't really moving. There have been sisters in McMinnville for at least two years and the area is just worked to bits. There are a few people that we have in our teaching pool, none, however are progressing. The ward is . . . well I don't want to sound harsh or anything, but the ward is exhausted. They've had missionaries here forever and I think they just need a break for a litttle while.

I sent you other emails earlier this week, so be sure you answer ALL the questions!!

We heard about Meagan (CA Spanish speaking mission) and Tyler (MI mission) yesterday—Meagan is doing really well and is also learning Korean and teaching in that language. Tyler is also doing really well and shared how he and his companion are sometimes using sidewalk chalk to contact. They write a question on the sidewalk and then write: Want to know the answer? Call: (cell phone number). Sister Harrison said they got more than 20 phone calls after that! Can you believe it?!
Yeah, I can. Makes sense—get them thinking then they call, set up an appointment then we have them hooked. hehehe.

What's Sister Winder's first name?
Sister Winder's first name is Alexandra

How long has she been out?
She's been out for about a year now.

Did you have any other baptisms before you left Dickson? (I think John's was the last you wrote about.)
Anthony was the last baptism we had in Dickson before I got transferred. Anthony is John's great-nephew. He's a really good kid.

Did you take your bike with you or loan it to the Sister who needs one?
I loaned it to a sister who has just come. She didn't have a bike and she needed one so I let her have mine. I want to use it after the mission so I'm sure I can get it back.

Did Sister Winder already have a car or did you take the one from Dickson with you?
McMinnville already had a car, so Dickson still has Jose Jr.

How was the trip to McMinnville?
Long, It took over two hours to get here, and it shouldn't've taken that long. Those that brought Sister Winder and I to McMinnville took awhile to get us here.

What ward are you assigned to?
The McMinnville Ward (That really isn't a surprise, is it? The ward is named after the city.)

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