Monday, August 30, 2010

Transfer 7 Week 2, August 30, 2010

For the past couple of days I haven't really been feeling all that good. My nose is all runny and my throat is itchy, really, really, REALLY itchy, my head even kinda hurts. Oh and we have like no money for food. That's fun. No money for food.

I need to clarify something from last week’s email. I said that my comp was a “mess,” and in the South "mess" means something different than it does in the West. In the west mess means they're messy, they aren't all that clean. Here it means something different, and for the life of me I can't think of what it means at the moment. (I think it's because of my head and my stuffed nose.)

When did Amanda get engaged? If I remember correctly she was soon to be engaged a few months before I left. It feels so weird hearing about people I know getting married and having kids (preferably in that order [I've met quite a few people who have children, but are not married, some have been those that I've been one of their missionaries. It's amazing what happens when the mother has a child at a young age, her daughter does too, and it just continues like this, unless they don't want to be like their mother/grandmother]).

Since I'm not feelin' all that great I'm gonna go now, sorry it wasn't that long of a letter.

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