Monday, December 27, 2010
Transfer 10 Week 1, December 27, 2010
On Saturday we found out about transfers. I don't know if Mom has told anyone the news so I'll share it here. Sister Austin's opening an area (Hopkinsville, KY). Sister Koford will be the driver here and I'm now Senior Companion. I don't really know how I feel. I know that I can do it because the Lord doesn't put us into situations that we can't handle or can't do. I know that He was with me when I was the only Laurel, president of that class, and was a Stake YCL (youth camp leader) at girls camp my last year there. I know with His help I can do what I've been called to do. There's not much to say, or at least, I can't think of much to say more.
We had a good Christmas. Christmas Eve we went over to the Bishop's house for dinner and a skit of Christ's birth. The three of us were they wise [wo]men, Apri (the ward mission leader's daughter) was Mary, her mom played Joseph, and our wonderful WML played the donkey on which Mary came to Bethlehem. Two of the bishop's children played shepherds, the youngest child and a YSA in the ward played the angel/choir of angels. Bishop was the narrator and his wife was the inn keeper. It was a really good night.
Christmas we went over to the Larsons (WML) for breakfast and dinner we went over to Jamie's. Sisters Austin and Koford made chicken and Jamie made pigs in a blanket. (My favorite was the pigs in a blanket).
I got shirts and stamps and cash. I also got a straightener and a blow dryer. These are just to name a few. I don't know what else to say since I got to talk with y'all on Christmas. Enjoy this week and know that I love you!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Transfer 9 Week 6, December 20, 2010
The situation with the comps is a little better I suppose. We've talked a lot about transfers and where we might go. One of our RCs [recent converts] said that I would be going and that I needed to come to terms with that fact. I didn't really liked how she said it, but I knew it to be true, and if I leave, I leave. I can't believe we are at week six of my ninth transfer in the field, and it's almost Christmas. I can remember telling President Hutchings that before we knew it Christmas would be here (I had been talking about how fast time was going).
There have been times when I think I give too much. (gift wise). There are a lot of presents under the trees (we have 3), most are from our families, and from ourselves most are from me. I'm not sure if they've even gotten me anything, not that that matters, but I just feel alone, not a part of the companionship at times and when I try, they don't want me to be there. They stop talking when I enter the room and it makes me feel as though they were talking about me, and the looks they give . . . I just hate it. There are times when I want to call and quit being a missionary because of how I feel. (Obviously I'm still here so I haven't called and quit.)
Enough of the sad. We will be having breakfast with the WML and his family at 10 so we can call then on their phones and on ours so I will most likely be calling in the morning, about 10 for ya'll, I'm not gonna make dad get up before nine to talk with me. We will also be having dinner with Jamie, and open some presents with her.
I think I'm gonna give my comps some gift cards for Walmart (one card each---I'm not that giving), along with something else. I just hope I can get the gift cards without them knowing.
Well, there are others that I need to write so I will leave ya'll with a wish for you to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!
Second Email
I forgot to say that I have the gifts you sent. I'm not sure if I have the ones grandma sent. The gifts only said "love mom and dad," so I don't know what if anything has happened to the gifts she sent. Maybe I'll get them today.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Transfer 9 Week 5, December 13, 2010
1. I'm wondering if you'd send me a picture of Bill at his baptism and also a picture of a temple. I want to send him a Christmas card with those pictures in it. thanks!
2. What is Myriah's and Neeka's address(es)? I've written them letters, but they've just come back to me and I want to know why, and thanks.
Okay, so Mom wanted to know more about Charlie's baptism (as I'm sure you all do). So we met Charles one of the first days we were in Murray. He's the boyfriend of one of the members and we taught him for about a transfer before he committed to be baptized. First he was "late" to his interview, and "late" to his baptism. When I say "late" I mean he was there at the time we said he needed to be there, for his baptism he was there AT six, he had forgotten some things and Whitney didn't have her phone to call us and let us know they were running late. He also worried us when it was his confirmation day (they were late coming in), and yesterday he got the priesthood. I'm so happy for him!
Yesterday it snowed! Sister Koford wasn't feeling good either, so we stayed in the whole day. (By 6 we were told to park our cars so it wasn't that big of a deal for us, only thing is now we have two car fast days for this month! fun I love to walk.... not.)
Well, time's almost up. I gotta go. I love you all and have a good week!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Transfer 9 Week 4, December 6, 2010
Here are Mom's Q's. If there is time I'll write more, but I don't think there's enough time:
Angie, we got the box you mailed home. I opened it and read your note that it was all your stuff, so I didn't disturb it very much. I just put it in your bedroom. Sometime in March you're probably going to have to send a big box of stuff home that you don't need and that you can't carry in your suitcases.
I was planning on doing something like that, so I will make sure I do.
Speaking of coming home, Lisa thinks you might already know your release date, so I'll ask: Do you? If so, let me know.
My certificate says May 2, so I'll be coming home the following Wednesday. And thanks for sending the card letting me know you received the box I put in the mail.
So did you give your companions the paper sacks with the treats inside as well as the Countdown-to-Christmas chains?
No . . . Of course I did! I was thinking you would send something for them so when I saw that you did, I wasn't surprised, and gave them their gifts.
I'll be sending your Christmas box in the near future. I've still got some things to collect. And Grandma has some things to mail to you too, so I'll be helping her get her stuff out as well. Something fun to look forward to!! Oh, and Josh Groban didn't put out a new Christmas CD, it's just a regular CD.
Oh, I thought he had, it looked like one to us. Well, I would like it.
Okay, so I have time to write a little more. The Christmas devotional was awesome! I saw Joseph like 5 times, like him dead on, I didn't really count the times he was kinda in. I gotta go.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Transfer 9 Week 3, November 29, 2010
Here are the questions mom asked me:
So tell us about Thanksgiving and how things have gone for the three of you this week.
We spent Thanksgiving with this really awesome family in the ward, the Larsons (Ward Mission Leader and his family) along with Jamie (RC) and two of her sisters, and a friends of the Larsons. We learned how to crochet flowers to put in one's hair, it was fun. It's been hard, I don't like trios, I feel like an outsider. I hardly, if ever, feel included in the companionship, and what happened yesterday didn't help things any.
Any new investigators?
We have a few, some of them speak Spanish. (It's one of Sister Austin's goals to start a Spanish group in Murray).
Ward activities?
There was an activity on Thanksgiving for those who didn't have anyone to be with on Thanksgiving to go to. There's a few for Christmas. I don't know if we're going to any of those.
Interesting stories to tell?
First off, on Thursday, We have a BAPTISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! His name is Charles Rupert.
Okay, now for what happened yesterday. They got mad at me for telling one of the members what had happened. I was telling her the story, and one of them interrupted me, so it sounded worse for her than it would have. Have I said how much I hate trios?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Transfer 9 Week 2, November 22, 2010
We've had another baptism this past week. Her name is Samantha Chilton and she’s nine years old. Sister Larson, the Primary President (and the Ward Mission Leader's wife) asked Anna, her mom, if we could come and teach Samantha the lessons. We set a date with Samantha the first lesson we had with her, and when we were planning out her program she didn't care who did what, she just wanted to be baptized. (How cool is that?) She also wanted it to be as short as it could (again so she could be baptized. Sam might have ADHD, or ADD, but she is SMART! She read everything we gave her, she drew pictures of what she had read, she was just soaking everything up like a sponge.
We had one of our investigators, who we've been trying to get to come to church, come. She LOVED it! She wants to come back next week. Ah, the miracles we're seeing. here in Murray, KY (I wanted to say Dickson, TN, MY area). I cannot wait until she and her husband, Jay get baptized. That reminds me, Bill's year is almost here, he and Renee can get sealed! Oh what joy there is in doing missionary work!
I love all of you!
Second Email
I was excited that you are excited about getting a second companion. Tell us about Sister Koford—where she's from, how long she's been out, what's her first name?
Sister Koford is a new missionary she's been out for a transfer, so this is her second one. Sister Koford is also my little sister. She's from Riverton (or some city by SLC). Her first name is Katie, and if you want to make her some labels I think she would like it, maybe for Christmas?
How are the three of you fitting in your apartment?
Well, the apartment is small. We switched rooms. The bedroom was in the smaller room and the study room is now in the old bedroom. There isn't a lot of room but we aren't as squashed as we could be.
Are you getting along well?
For the most part, yes, we are. I'm not very found of trios so I think that says a lot for how it may appear to y'all.
Do you have plans for Thanksgiving?
Yup, we're going to the Larsons for Thanksgivin' dinner.
How are the investigators?
They is good. They're progressing for the most part.
Do you still have anyone scheduled for baptism on the 30th?
Nope, it was dropped because they didn't come to church.
Does Murray get snow or just cold and wet?
It's getting cold. I don't know if it snows or not, but it does freeze over.
Did you do anything special to celebrate your one-year anniversary?
I blew fire. That was cool
Did you get the Thanksgiving card with your "present"? And I did send you the Ensign—it should arrive by tomorrow at the latest.
Yup I did and thank you for it.
Christmas gifts?
Cash and stamps, since transfers are three days after Christmas.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Transfer 9 Week 1, November 15, 2010
News about transfers. There's going to be a change in the Murray Ward. There will now be three of us instead of just two; so, Sister Austin and I are staying and my "little sister," Sister Koford, will be here in Murray. I can't wait!
We had a baptism this past week. It was Jamie's baptism. Her date was for the 17th of December, but it was too far away for her. She asked if we could move it up some, and we asked her when she wanted it to be. "This weekend?" she asked timidly.
"Sure!" we said, cheerfully.
We then started to plan for her baptism. Sister Austin and I played a part in her baptism. Sister Austin gave the talk on baptism and I said the closing prayer. The refreshments were good. Xiena, a member of the ward made the goodies. (Xiena makes really good food.) There were a lot of people there for her. I was really excited to see so many there. Seeing how many people cared for Jamie made me really happy, knowing that she had a family she could turn to whenever she needed. I can't believe that it was only last week that she was kicked out and now she's a member of the Church. If I didn't know that the Gospel is true, I would now with what happened to Jamie.
Barbie's funeral will be this Saturday at a Baptist Church. I met some people who knew the other woman when Sister Austin and I were at Angel's Attic, volunteering there this past Saturday. It's sad what happened to Barbie, but now there's nothing holding her back from joining the Church, and perhaps her husband and brother will be more open to our message.
Time's almost out. I love you!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Transfer 8 Week 6, November 8, 2010
One of our investigators passed away this past week. She died in a car accident, the car flipped over and it caught on fire. Two people passed, our investigator and one of her co-workers. We don't know when the funeral is, but we're hoping that it'll be at the church.
Another of our investigators, Jamie, got kicked out of her house yesterday. The ward is awesome. They helped Jamie out so much. The WML's wife said that she could stay at their home, it was one of the first things she said after she heard about it. And those who knew of Jamie's friends were there for her. We called a cop who is in the ward and got some advice from her. Those who could help, Sister Austin and I being missionaries could only help in giving Jamie love and support, did whatever they could. When Jamie went to get a police officer to help her get her stuff out of the house she was arrested because Brenton had stolen some books from Books a Million and she was charged as an accomplice. Sister Larson and Heidi posted bail for Jamie. We highly doubt that Brenton will get custody of Emma, their six month old daughter. Time is almost up, so I must get going. I love you all.
P.S. Jay and Cheryl are a couple; they live a few houses down from us.
Thanks for the sims card! love!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Transfer 8 Week 5, November 1, 2010
I don't like how my companions say that I need to talk more, but they don't allow me to, they don't expect me to talk, so they don't let me, and yet it's my fault for not talking. I find that just a little frustrating.
Now for some good news we set 2 baptism dates this week, their names are Jason (Jay) and Cheryl, their date is for November 30.
I need y'all's love please write.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Transfer 8 Week 4, October 25, 2010
First off, Sister Sara Austin. (for her return address labels (thank you!))
Now here are Grandma's Q's:
How are things going? New investigators? Still working a lot with the YSAs?
Things are going great here. We've found some, but they don't really stick, some do, but for the most part, they don't. Yes, we are still working with the YSAs of the Murray Ward. they are awesome.
Have you learned your way around the town?
I'm still learning it, but Sister Austin has it down pretty well.
How is the ward made up....older people or mostly younger people....little children??
The ward's made up of mostly older people and younger people (mix, but mostly older) the primary is tiny. Even thougjh there are quite a few families.
Large ward...small ward??
It's a smaller ward, the smallest I've served in. (they don't use the overflow, all the other wards have.)
Do you have a car or are you walking??
Me, Walk? Never! Hahaha . . . we do walk at times but this is a full-time car area. (every area I'll be in will be a full time car--go bike accident)
Questions, questions. Oh one more, did you get my snail mails?? I hope that you did.
Yes, I did I did. Thank you for the mail.
We had 7 non members at church yesturday. Go Primary program! That's the most we've had in the 3 weeks we've been here.
I'm going to send this off now just so it gets to you in time, and so I have time to send it before the computer kicks me off.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Transfer 8 Week 3, October 18, 2010
Saturday and Sunday we were privileged to have Gladys Knight and the Saints Unified Voices come to the Tennessee Nashville Mission and perform for us and our investigators. It was a Fireside of music and testimony. Towards the end of the fireside Sister Knight told the audience about her conversion. She asked the audience "Where are my missionaries?" which was our queue to stand. Sister Austin and I had a few people ask us if we were the missionaries who taught Sister Knight. A part of me wanted to say yes, but I was about one or so when Sister Knight joined the church with her family. In fact it was her children who first started going to the church, then Brother and Sister Knight joined as well, and Sister Knight's sister is now taking the lessons as well.
A few weeks ago Nate sent me some cds that he wanted me to keep good care of, I decided to make copies so if one does get destroyed we at least have another copy. Once I'm finished copying all six of the CDs I'll be sending them back to him. I'm now half way through with that. Hopefully next week I'll be finished and will be sending them home.
I can't really think of anything else to say, so I suppose I'll say adieu.
PS Email me before 10 if you can if you want more information. However, I'm sure you already knew that. Love.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Transfer 8 Week 2, October 11, 2010
First off, I'm going to answer Mom's questions. So, here they are:
How's Murray, KY, Angela? Do you like it?
Murray is awesome! It's a small town with a college (Murray State University). Yeah, I like Murray, it's a nice little town.
How's your companion? What's her name and where's she from? How long has she been out?
My companion is awesome; her name is Sister Austin (she's known as Sister Awesome). She's from Layton, UT. Sister Austin's been out a transfer less than me, so she been out about 9 months and I've been out for about 10. Oh Mom, Sister Austin would like some return address labels so she doesn't have to write it all the time she writes a letter.
How's the Ward?
The Ward's good. The YSAs are awesome. We do a lot of work with them. I guess quite a few of our plans this past week have been with the YSAs. Bishop Bakes lives a few houses down from us and he's a bit a dork, but an awesome one, he's a really good bishop.
How was your trip to Murray? It looks to have been about as long as going from Orem to Grace—is that about right?
The trip was good. We got to know a little about the ward going up to Murray from the sister who drove us. I'm not really sure, time now just flies, the days and months are blurring together, it's kinda weird.
Do you already have investigators to teach?
There are a few investigators who have a lot of promise. One is a member's boyfriend (so ya know he's good to go for baptism). The others for the most part are young people (late teens early twenties).
Tell us all about the new place. Oh! And be sure to give us your address! If you want snail mail, it's easier if we have it. And did you find your camera?
The new place is nice, kinda small compared to the McMinnville apartment, but it would. We live, like I mentioned earlier, we live a couple of houses down from the bishop. Okay, here's the address: 1214 A Peggy Ann Dr., Murray, KY 42071.
Life is good here. I gotta write Nate so I gotta do that. Oh btw the silly bands in the box are for Tim.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Transfer 8 Week 1, October 4, 2010
Okay, here's the remainder of the questions from last week.
So what's the result? Are you staying or going? How about Sister Rigley?
Transfers. I'm going to Murray, Kentucky, so that means Sister Rigley is staying here.
How's Sara Edmonds doing? Did you get to take her to General Conference sessions?
Sara's doing well; she did come to Conference, all of them. I think she really enjoyed it, well when she could, when she wasn't dealing with Reyna's distractions.
How about yourself—were you able to attend a lot of conference? Tell us how that works.
Yes, Sister Rigley and I were able to go to Conference, all of General Conference and even the R/S broadcast last week. Sister Edmonds was able to go, it was her first Church activity as a baptized person into the Church. We get to go to the church building for Conference; it's sad to see how many people are there Saturday and then how many more there are on Sunday. Saturday Conference is just as important as Sunday.
And then to back up, how was your birthday? What did you do to celebrate? Did the blouse and skirt fit? I'm anxious to hear, so share the details of what's been going on lately!
My Birthday was good. We had a specialized training meeting that day and I found out that another missionary has the same birthday as I. (I found this out after one of the elders had played "happy birthday" on the piano. I thought: "How do they know it's my birthday?" Elder Pearson (my second DL) asked me how old I was, I told him I was 22, and then I signed "I'm old." He understood. I really do feel old, I guess it's because most of the people around me aren't 21 yet, if twenty.
I haven't tried the skirt, the shirt's a little tight, or it looks tight. I've obtained a few sweeters from another sister so I can wear the shirt with one of the sweeters and be fine. It's getting cooler so it's good.
I don't know what else to say/write. I'll let you know more next week about the new area.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Transfer 7 Week 6, September 27, 2010
Did you get your birthday box okay this week?
Yes, I did get my birthday box this week, funny story about that. Sister Rigley and I were heading out to go out and work (Sister Rigley had some letters to drop off) and we saw the postal worker and he told us that the package on top of the mail unit was ours (mine, really) and it was the package you sent. We took it up to the apartment so the things inside wouldn't melt. Good thing too it was a HOT day and there were things that could melt.
Are you ready to have a little party to celebrate your 22nd birthday?! I hope you get to have a little fun and a little celebration.
Yes. Yes I am. I hope I get to have a little fun as well. I think I deserve at least a little fun.
Oh, and you should have had a baptismal service last Saturday. How did that go?
Yes! we did have a baptism this weekend. Her name is Sara Edmonds. We had to start her baptism a little late because the font wasn't filling as fast as we wanted it to (it was started too late for the program to be on time). Don't worry though, no one minded it. Sara was apprehensive about her baptism, but that was to be expected. Sara was baptized by a member of the ward, Brother Rucker, who is just awesome, a feller who's sensitive to the things which are spiritual.
It's almost time for dinner so I'm gonna have to wrap this up, but just send the questions again next week and I'll answer them then. Love.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Transfer 7 Week 5, September 21, 2010
Okay, here's the explanation to the pictures. The garden with deer is the apartment we live in. My comp and I. The photos with the little girls—the close up on three of them, one of the girls looks like Lisa did when she was younger. I took the picture of it because the girl reminded me of Lisa.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Transfer 7 Week 4, September 13, 2010
I guess I should start off by telling y'all a little more about Sister Rigley since both Ma and Mim E (Grandma) have asked me in both of their emails.
Sister Rigley is from . . . you guessed it, Utah! She's from Layton, Utah. She's been out for a little over a year. We've been having a hard time, but this past weekend we worked things out and I'm gonna send the evidence of what we did to get some unity in this companionship.
The baptism we were going to have this past Saturday (Sept. 11) has now been scheduled for the 25th. Yay! We'll have two entering the waters of baptism that day, and they both came to church yesterday!
I'm glad to hear that Amanda has had Riley. I hope she sends me something telling me about him. I don't like being outta the loop, especially when it comes to my friends.
2nd Email
Mom, I've thought of something that I want for my birthday. Dancer knee pads. I fell this past week and hurt my knee (part of the pictures I just sent). My companion would also like some labels so she doesn't have to write her name on every letter she sends. Her name is: Sister Rachel Marie Rigley. Thank you so much.
And speaking of letters I could use some more stamps! (I figure I'd ask since my birthday's almost here.)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Transfer 7 Week 3, September 6, 2010
Mom, when did you tryout for the MoTab? I don't think you told me that, perhaps you did, I just don't remember.
I'm having a bit of a hard time. I feel burned in McMinnville. This is my 3rd transfer and I've only been in areas for 2, so this is new to me. I don't know if I can handle it—well I know I can, because I know the Lord won't give me something I can't handle. To be honest, that's how I've been handling a lot of this that has happened out here in Tennessee.
This past week has been pretty hard. We had three baptismal dates at the beginning of last week and now we only have one. One of the dropped dates is because we haven't been able to see him, the other dropped date is because she doesn't feel prepared for baptism. (She is, she just doesn't know it. She's pretty much a dry Mormon.)
Not a lot has been done I'm sad to say, so this is all I have to report on.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Transfer 7 Week 2, August 30, 2010
I need to clarify something from last week’s email. I said that my comp was a “mess,” and in the South "mess" means something different than it does in the West. In the west mess means they're messy, they aren't all that clean. Here it means something different, and for the life of me I can't think of what it means at the moment. (I think it's because of my head and my stuffed nose.)
When did Amanda get engaged? If I remember correctly she was soon to be engaged a few months before I left. It feels so weird hearing about people I know getting married and having kids (preferably in that order [I've met quite a few people who have children, but are not married, some have been those that I've been one of their missionaries. It's amazing what happens when the mother has a child at a young age, her daughter does too, and it just continues like this, unless they don't want to be like their mother/grandmother]).
Since I'm not feelin' all that great I'm gonna go now, sorry it wasn't that long of a letter.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Transfer 7 Week 1, August 23, 2010
Transfers are tomorrow and Sister Winder is going to Franklin, and that of course means I'm staying here in McMinnville. The new sister that's coming is Sister Rigley, yes that's right, rigley, like the gum. This means that three of my companions came out together (Sister Blackham, Sister Winder, and of course my new comp, Sister Rigley) and two that have been her comp in the past, Sister Blackham and Sister Goff. I hear that Sister Rigley is a “mess,”* and I can’t wait until we are offically comps!
McMinnville really needs fresh "blood" to get it moving again. That's all I have for now.
*Apparently a good thing!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Transfer 6 Week 6, August 16, 2010
I did get the letter Grandma sent me with the spending money in it. And Yes I got the package you sent me as well, and of course I liked the things within, and yes to the hump day gift.
My comp and I are doing okay, the work is a little slow, but it's starting to pick up a bit. Very hot, very hot indeed, we've been praying for it to cool down and it kinda has for the last little bit. No one's really outdoors until about 9. Details, well, I'm having a bit of a hard time with everything that's going on. If you have any insights that might help I'd more than appreciate it.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Transfer 6 Week 5, August 9, 2010
I'm not gonna beg anymore for letters, no one wants to talk to me that way so what's the point in looking forward to mail anymore?
Monday, August 2, 2010
Transfer 6 Week 4, August 2, 2010
I only have a few more days before I reach my half-way point (okay, really it's sixteen days, but still). It doesn't feel like I've been out for almost nine months. In fact, It only feels like last month I came from the MTC. I don't feel any smarter than I did when I came out, I don't feel that much different, if any thing I'm a little thinner, and a bit darker and have a few scars from the telestial bugs we know as mosquitos. I suppose I talk a bit more, but not that much more. I don't feel that much different than when I first wanted to come out.
(This part of my letter has nothing to do with the first paragraph, or hopefully the rest). It's amazing what Satan can do. How he can make us think that what we are feeling is from God. One of the people we know here in McMinnville has read from the scriptures and felt impressed that we as a Christian people should ban all the bad, evil stuff---porn, drugs, alcohol, etc.---from here. We listened the first time they told us this. When we went over again their religious leader had told her that it was Satan that had misguided her. They didn't like the feeling they got when he said this. We talked about how Satan is the perfect deceiver, and how what he did, started them to question about everything they've felt.
Now, onto more happier things.
Mom, I was wondering if you'd send me a dictionary in the box you're sending me, me English is gone down. I really need it! Transfers are happening soon (not this upcoming week but within the next 2 or 3, or so). I'll most likely stay here so that would make at least 4 1/2 months in McMinnville.
We moved last week. We are now in Apartment 204, not 203. We moved one apartment over, only down side is that there's a weird guy who likes us (Sister Winder) and he's moved to 203, so we're neighbors (we try to avoid him at all costs). 204 is really nice, it was once the office for the D'Ville Apartment complex. It's a two room apartment, so it's bigger, and kept up very well and we're very happy with it. The other room is for exercise! The elders have tried to get us (me) to tennis. They CDP me all the time, I really like it, then again, they're begging in away and I like it when people beg. I know, I'm a little odd on that point, but a part of me likes it when someone begs, I think it has to do with the fact that I feel like I'm in charge.
Mom I was wondering if I could have Timmy's Mission address, I want to send him something. I was also wondering if you knew when Amanda's baby shower was and if you'd tell me so I could send her something and if you don't if you'd ask. thanks!:)
Well, time's almost up, so I say far well to all!
Sister Whitehead
Monday, July 26, 2010
Transfer 6 Week 3, July 26, 2010
It's good to hear about all y'all's week. I really did enjoy the package from the YW. When I saw the key in our mail box slot-thingy I thought Sister Winder had gotten another package, she's the one who usually does, but when the package was for me, I was surprised! (Mom, you don't have to worry about me being nice I sent Sister Davis a thank you card as soon as I got the package, and I asked her to thank the YW.)
This week has been kinda slow, and hot, really, really, really HOT! Our Daily Contacts (DC) is low this week because of it being so stinkin' hot here, no one wants to be outside, not even us, but by being outside in the heat it sparks an interest in people to want to know why we're outside. Sister Winder and I have talked to a lot of people about why we come out on missions (it was brought on by Sister Woodall not being there. Remember, Sister Woodall was the mini-missionary, and they wanted to know where she was).
I was wondering if you could send me the Ensign every month, we get it here, but we use them as visuals for our investigators. I'd just like my own copy that I can mark up and stuff and now with Zone Conferences being every three months instead of every month I don't know what they'll do for the Ensign.
I can't think of anything else. So . . . .
Monday, July 19, 2010
Transfer 6 Week 2, July 19, 2010
Okay, the ones in the red paper bag thingy, those are for dad (his father's day gift—a recent convert in Dickson gave those to me and Sister Goff). The small pocket knife and the other(s?) are mine/my future husband’s. Isn't John Fuller nice?
What would you like me to say for YWs?
Email 2 (again about the knives):
No, but if Dad can't remember than perhaps if I saw them I could tell. I know that there are two mother of pearl knives the big one is for dad and the small one is mine. There's one in a leather holder that one is for Dad. There's one for "Mr. Right" I don't really remember what that one looks like, Sister Goff and I opened the box to see what it was (we weren't supposed to), and it's a really nice knife as well, though I believe that one was in a box like my knife. If there are any other knives, I don't know.
Email 3:
I'll start off with questions they might have that you can answer when they ask it or at the end if they don't.
1. Q: Should girls serve missions if they aren't dating anyone when they're 21?
A: No, if sisters aren't dating anyone when they are 21, they have many options before them, continue schooling, or if they so desire, they may serve a mission, even if when they were younger they didn't think (or want) to serve a mission. So, pretty much ask God if it is His will for you to serve a full-time mission with the black tag.
2. Q: Why do sisters have to wait until they're 21 to serve a mission and why is it only for 18 months and not 24?
A: Well, we (Sister Winder and I) recently had a mini-missionary as another companion and we know why we have to wait. One, while we tend to be more mature than the elders a mission is really, really, really hard and we need that extra time to prepare ourselves. For elders a mission is their preparation.
3. Q: What's a mini-missionary? (Mom you don't have to answer this if they don't ask.)
A: A mini-missionary is someone who comes out to see what a mission is like, only they serve for two weeks instead of 1 1/2 or two years.
Okay, I'll now talk about my experiences.
I've been one of the missionaries to see at least 6 people come to the water's edge (baptism). It's amazing to see what a difference the gospel makes in the lives of our sisters and brothers. I have to say that the best time I've had on my mission was when we taught member's friends/family and they were baptized into this church. I never wanted to serve a mission. Never, if you had asked me on my twentieth birthday if I wanted to serve a mission, I would have told you no, however, I'm glad I'm here helping the work progress. I know in Utah it doesn't seem like there's much to do as far as missionary work is concerned, but just being a good example to others helps a lot! You don't even have to do much, going to the temple is doing missionary work, you are helping others receive salvation. That's what a missionary does, we help people receive salvation.
My time is almost up, I must get going.
Love Sister Whitehead.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Transfer 6 Week 1, July 12, 2010
Transfer news: first the English elders (Zone Leaders) Elder Campbell is leaving McMinnville, I don't know where he's going. Elder Carpenter is staying and his new companion is Elder Nicholl, I get Elder Nicholl again! Yay!!!! He's an awesome missionary/leader. The Spanish elders, Elder Ulmer and Elder Vasquez are being whitewashed out, I don't, however remember who's coming in to replace them. Sister Winder and I are staying here. Fun.
Will the Ward be doing anything special for Pioneer Day?
Yes, the ward is doing something in Altamont, and also in town they'll be watching a movie or more, somethin' like that.
How did things go with your mini-missionary? (What is a mini-missionary, by the way?)
I'll tell you that next week, so ask again, she's still here. A mini-missionary is someone who wants to see what it's like to be a missionary without being a full-term missionary. They're just out for two weeks, and then they go back to "normal" life.
Just so you know, I have a copy of Preach My Gospel in both English and Dutch and I'm working on reading them side-by-side. I just might finish the book later this summer or early fall (which is to say I'm not speed-reading them).
That's so cool! I love how you want to keep your mission language up, in the words of Elder Vasquez, that's awesome.
Let's see, I sent you the talk you wanted by Neil Anderson, did you get it? Did you also get the padded envelope with your new debit card? And did you understand that you just need to call either of the phone numbers to activate the card and that you don't have to use our home phone to do it?
The answer to all of these questions is yes.
Tell us anything else interesting that's going on. Are things any better with Kenny Priest or Linda Presley?
No, not really, we reset a date with Kenny, but he has a phobia of crowds that we need to overcome first before he will come to church, or at least have him meet a lot of people in the ward so he doesn't feel alone, somethin' like that.
And what great news about Wanda Kelly! I'm excited about that!
I know! (took her long enough). I'm so happy for her and her family. I know they'll be blessed.
For the past week I haven't really been feeling well, I go out and teachify, but my stomach hurts if I stop and have a moment to myself, so at lunch and dinner I take a nap. If any of you have a suggestion as to how I can feel better please let me know.
Love, Sister Angela Elizabeth Whitehead
Monday, July 5, 2010
Transfer 5 Week 6, July 5, 2010
Angela, you said you've got baptismal dates set. Who are your investigators? How are they doing? Well, first our baptism dates have been postponed, they didn't come to church yesterday, and I don't think they'll find a good reason to, unless we teach them with more pure doctrine. They were/are Kenny Priest, we met him contacting, (it's kinda like tracting only we don't knock on doors---tracting isn't my favorite thing in the world, it doesn't get many people to water's edge). Though one person that I met tracting did get baptized on Saturday . . . finally. For those of you who know Wanda Kelly, (Sister Blackham and I first set the date with her for January 16th, but it fell through because of her family).
The other is Linda Presley. We also met Linda contacting, there isn't much to say there. I feel bad that I don't have any good feelings about them, I know they're children of God, and that one day they will be baptized, but I'm just not feelin' it lately, I really hope I'm not getting into a funk.
How did Sister Hutchings happen to be with you for setting one of those dates? We had interviews that day, and President Hutchings, Sister Hutchings and one of the APs, Elder Hare (a Spanish elder) went on exchanges with us from 6-9. It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome that she came with us.
Are you scorching in the heat or getting along okay? When our AC went out Sister Winder and I were drenched in our own sweat, and the apartment gave us no relief, in fact in the morning it was cooler outside than in.
Is your apartment air conditioned? FINALLY! We have our AC back on, and I can't tell you how happy I am! Though one nice thing about no AC for the weekend it helped Sister Winder and I get used to the heat, so being outside isn't as bad as it once was.
Have you been getting the snail mail letters I've been sending okay? Yes, I have, and if I could, I'd like to make a request for a talk, it's by Neil L. Anderson, it's called, "Repent that I may heal you." I really like it and would love to read it from time to time, like I do with the other talks I have.
Tell us anything you can think of to share. It's all interesting to us! Well, it really isn't that positive, but I feel that I need to get it off my chest so that I don't think about it anymore and I can focus on the work at hand. The ward here seems nice to us, but they would much rather help the elders than the sisters, and I'm not just talking about meals, we can handle the no meals thing. This ward is just so worked I think they need to remove the sisters for a time, I know that there are some less actives/excommunicated members who wouldn't like that, but the ward, in my own opinion, needs a swift kick in the rear. I know that those that we've been teaching haven't been to church, and honestly I don't blame them. In Gospel Principles the members trash other churches and at the same time they aren't, saying somefing like, "In other churches they don't have the priesthood authority of God," or they talk about things that only members would know, things that are too overwhelming for people looking into the church. I hope all of you try not to talk too in depth of the doctrines of the church when in R/S or where ever you may be. We are told in Preach My Gospel that we are not to teach all we know to our investigators. I honestly think that every member should have a copy of "Preach My Gospel."
Sister Winder and I must get our food for this week before one so that we can be ready for the mini-missionary that we'll be getting later today I'll write more later, but for now,
Monday, June 28, 2010
Transfer 5 Week 5, June 28, 2010
We set two baptism dates this past week. Sister Hutchings was with us for one of them, that was cool.
I was thinking about Grandpa this morning thinking about when he passed away when I was on my mission. If he were to pass away closer to the end of my mission I would want to go home to be at the funeral, so I'm grateful that I was just beginning my mission when it occurred.
Mom, I was wondering if you would send me an ipod, not my touch but perhaps the ipod Lisa was using before I let her use the touch.
Did Lisa go to R/S on Sunday? I hope she had a good time. What should I say in my email for the sisters in R/S?
Oh, I would use my JP card for a lot more things but it declines for like the last two weeks of the month so I gotta use my own card or not buy food at all and starve. I personally think it's dumb that it stops working when we have the money for what we need, but we cannot buy it because our cards don't work. I hate it.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Transfer 5 Week 4, June 21, 2010
1. You never did say, can we assume you have the cast off and you got a clean bill of health for the broken wrist and elbow? Yes the cast is off. Though for contacting Sister Winder and I are thinking about wearing it so people will talk to us, and so we can get waves (five waves equals one contact).
2. How are you and Sister Winder getting along? Sister Winder and I are getting along pretty well; at first she didn't like the mess I made when I unpacked.
3. Are you finding people to teach? Yes, we're finding people to teach, but the area has just been worked that it's kinda hard.
4. How's the weather affecting you (if at all)? It's hard, it's really, really, REALLY HOT. So no one is outside sittin' on their porches (I can understand why), or outside in general because it's so stinkin' hot.
5. What's it like in your new area? McMinnville is a small city, but there are 3 companionships of missionaries (a set of English elders, a set of Spanish, and of course yours truly and Sister Winder).
6. Similar to the other cities or different? McMinnville is somewhat similiar to Cookeville, it's been worked almost to the bone. The members here aren't as friendly and they don't want to come out with us on exchanges or feed us. (At least the sisters they don't. I've seen the elders’ [list] and they have like every day filled where we're lucky if we have two a week.)
7. Did you do anything special for Father's Day? Unless contacting is "special," nope.
8. Were you invited to dinner any where? The answer is the same to that as above, nope.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Transfer 5 Week 3, June 14, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Transfer 5 Week 2, June 7, 2010
Angie, I'm anxious to hear more about you and Sister Winder. You knew her back in your Cookeville days, right?
Yup, Sister Winder and I knew each other in Cookeville, Tennessee before Sister Goff and I left for Dickson (I miss Dickson ) but I'll work hard here in McMinnville.
I'm especially wanting your local address. If you don't know it by heart already, I bet she does, so be sure to send it.
103 Main Street Apt 203 McMinnville, Tennessee I don't know the zip code (sorry) [It's 37110.]
How's the work in McMinnville? Have you got people you're teaching? How's the Ward and the members?
The work isn't really moving. There have been sisters in McMinnville for at least two years and the area is just worked to bits. There are a few people that we have in our teaching pool, none, however are progressing. The ward is . . . well I don't want to sound harsh or anything, but the ward is exhausted. They've had missionaries here forever and I think they just need a break for a litttle while.
I sent you other emails earlier this week, so be sure you answer ALL the questions!!
We heard about Meagan (CA Spanish speaking mission) and Tyler (MI mission) yesterday—Meagan is doing really well and is also learning Korean and teaching in that language. Tyler is also doing really well and shared how he and his companion are sometimes using sidewalk chalk to contact. They write a question on the sidewalk and then write: Want to know the answer? Call: (cell phone number). Sister Harrison said they got more than 20 phone calls after that! Can you believe it?!
Yeah, I can. Makes sense—get them thinking then they call, set up an appointment then we have them hooked. hehehe.
What's Sister Winder's first name?
Sister Winder's first name is Alexandra
How long has she been out?
She's been out for about a year now.
Did you have any other baptisms before you left Dickson? (I think John's was the last you wrote about.)
Anthony was the last baptism we had in Dickson before I got transferred. Anthony is John's great-nephew. He's a really good kid.
Did you take your bike with you or loan it to the Sister who needs one?
I loaned it to a sister who has just come. She didn't have a bike and she needed one so I let her have mine. I want to use it after the mission so I'm sure I can get it back.
Did Sister Winder already have a car or did you take the one from Dickson with you?
McMinnville already had a car, so Dickson still has Jose Jr.
How was the trip to McMinnville?
Long, It took over two hours to get here, and it shouldn't've taken that long. Those that brought Sister Winder and I to McMinnville took awhile to get us here.
What ward are you assigned to?
The McMinnville Ward (That really isn't a surprise, is it? The ward is named after the city.)
Monday, May 31, 2010
Transfer 5 Week 1, May 31, 2010
So I'm sorry that I haven't been able to email y'all for the past coupler weeks; the computers were acting strange in Dickson where I no longer am serving.
First and foremost transfers were today and Sister Goff and I are no longer comps. I'm now serving with Sister Winder in McMinnville (Mac-min-vul) and Sister Goff is still in Dickson. I'm gonna miss those in Dickson, I know I was only there for three months but a lot happened in those three months and I bonded with people a bit more than I did in Cookeville. I hope that I can bond with people here in McMinnville as I did with those in Dickson.
I gotta go. I'll talk with y'all soon.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Transfer 4 Week 6, May 24, 2010
Dear Family,
The site isn’t working so we cannot email our family or President Hutchings so I’m snail mailing this to you. I don’t know what to do about President Hutchings though. Perhaps ya’ll could help me out and give me some suggestions. :)
Jennifer got baptized on Sunday, right before church, so she was confirmed a member shortly after being dunked. She was a little scared, but after some coaxing from Sister Goff and me, she went to the water’s edge and was baptized by her fellowshipper, Brother Fredrick Bradley. It was awesome. I love being a missionary and seeing the change people make in their lives in order to come closer to our Savior.
I’m also grateful for the members in the wards I’ve been blessed to serve in. It truly is the member that helps with missionary work. No wonder President David O. McKay said every member is a missionary.
I’m so sorry that I haven’t been able to email. Something is going on with the server or the computers at the library. I’m not sure which one it is, but either way, Sister Goff and I haven’t had much luck with emailing people we need to.
Something else that happened on Sunday—we saw a family that we had been teaching (though really, they had just anti-ed us, and really it was him, Mike, that did it), they were at the church building to let our bishop know about Michelle’s mother, who had done some pretty horrible stuff to their kids. We realized why they tried to "save" us from our horrible church that the devil established. I’m sad that they would allow one person’s bad choice overshadow an entire church. Mike even claimed that it wasn’t his mother-in-law’s fault that he didn’t like the church, but it was how he responded that makes Sister Goff and I think differently. He spoke too soon; he didn’t pause and give it thought.
I would still like to receive talks from y’all; the first time I asked wasn’t the only time I wanted them. Also, please send me letters. I don’t like getting the mail and having it all be for Sister Goff. I too would like something in the mail. And if you could poke and prod my friends into writing me, specifically Amanda, that would be great. [I've cut a section about her feeling neglected by her friends.] Now however, let’s talk about something better.
President Hutchings is a man called of God. Last week he gave a challenge to set one baptism date, and though as hard and Sister Goff and I tried, we weren’t able to set a date with the two people we could think of setting a date with. On June 12, we will be having a member of the Quorum of the Twelve, he’s going to come to our mission and teach the whole mission; it will be Elder Ballard, who was President Hutching’s mission president in Canada.
I don’t like having to write y’all like this, it’s really rather lame, and I just don’t like it but when it’s the only other way, then so be it. I will be sending Lisa something for graduation, so enjoy it. :)
Sister Goff is working on her Southern. It’s funny because she told some members of the ward and they laughed whenever she said "y’all." I don’t know why that would be so funny, but I guess to them it was.
Mom, if you haven’t already would you put my mission address on my FB page. I’m sure you have but I just want to make sure. Thank you and I love you all.
Hopefully my next letter won’t have to be sent like this one and the one before.
Before I forget, transfers are next week and I’ll know hopefully by Saturday night if I’m being transferred to another area. I love you all. :)
Sister Angela Elizabeth Whitehead
Monday, May 17, 2010
Transfer 4 Week 5, May 17, 2010
I’m snail mailing this because the internet isn’t working.
Where has the time gone? I can hardly believe Angie's been out 6 months already-Happy Bump Day tomorrow! And Tim's at 20 months…wow!
I can’t believe it either. Where has the time gone?
Angie, how are things looking out in Tennessee? Are things in Dickson pretty good? What's the news out of Nashville-or do you even know? Any news about the mission home? Did it get flooded? I'm going to forward an email Bishop Stephens sent me with pictures from Nashville. Did you get your coat last Monday? How was your Zone Conference this week? Did you get my letter? How are the recent converts and investigators doing? What's the latest news? Oh, I got the ambulance bill you sent, so I'll mail out the payment later today-in case you receive another billing.
Well, out here in Dickson things are looking okay. It has been raining a bit, but nowhere near the amount of a few weeks ago. Don’t really know about Nashville. I guess it’s a good thing that the mission home is in Franklin. If the mission home did (which I doubt) they would have told us about it. Wow, those pictures were something else. [Photos sent by Bishop Stephens.] When Sister Goff and I went to Nashville to see the doctor we were in awe of what it looked like. Yes, I got my coat, happy am I! Zone Conference was just amazing like always. Yes, I got it! Thank you sooooooo much, I loved reading it. The Recent Convert and I are doing very well, though there’s really not much to say. On Saturday, Sister Goff and I got anti-ed (something that isn’t really new), but when we were being anti-ed we were feeling the Spirit. I know that God was making sure that what the guy was saying didn’t hurt us, so that we wouldn’t be tools in his hands.
I'm thinking transfer time should be coming soon for both you [Tim] and Angie, so let us know if you are affected!
Yeah, it’s in about two weeks, I think. This week and then next.
The reason for the snail mail is because the computers were freaking out and I didn’t want to type another letter during our lunch hour on Tuesday. So enjoy the letter.
P.S. For my 6 month mark I’ll be dyeing my hair (again). I also HATE mosquitos.
Harvester May 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
Response to Pres. Hutchings' Request
It is our faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, our belief that he IS our Savior and Redeemer, that draws us to and keeps us active in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-days Saints. Once we understand the love of our Savior for each of us, we feel the need the share His love with others, and that's why we send out missionaries, and that's why our family has sent you to Tennessee. Here's something I just got in an email today:
More Spiritual than Scientific
"Millions of people have become members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. But to each true believer there must ultimately and finally come a conviction that Joseph Smith was a revealer of truth, a prophet of God. Each must be convinced that God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ did appear to Joseph Smith and did commission him to reestablish the church of Christ upon the face of the earth."I have such a conviction, and it is my humble desire to share with you some of the things which verify my testimony of Joseph Smith and his work. My own witness is a spiritual one more than a scientific or historical one. I doubt that the gospel of Jesus Christ as restored to earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith and as taught by all the prophets who have succeeded him will ever be completely provable by the scientific method alone. It must be accepted by faith and understood by the gift and power of God."
James E. Faust,, "The Expanding Inheritance from Joseph Smith," Ensign, Nov. 1981, 76
It is so important for you and your companion to exercise your faith in all of your missionary activities. Fear and faith cannot coexist. When you feel fear to talk or teach, pray for additional faith. We pray for you every day that you'll have the ability to fulfill your calling, that you'll be able to speak through the Spirit, and that you'll be able to see and do the needful things to complete your assignment as a missionary. We are so proud of you and the work you have accomplished. We know you've had additional physical struggles and that you are working through them. We know the Lord blesses you every day. We send you our love and encouragement to keep working hard, to set challenging goals, and to dedicate this time to the work of the Lord.
We love you so much! Be strong in the Lord!
Emmanuel (with us is God),
Mom and Dad
Letter to Family from Pres. Hutchings
This morning I got up early and pondered our upcoming zone conferences this week. The impression came to write a quick email to all the families of our missionaries and ask for their help. I find our mission and missionaries as a whole in a state of complacency. Faith has taken a back seat to a little disobedience, not working as hard as we should, not trusting God enough, and not applying Christ like characteristics to our lives and our work. I find as a whole that the commitment to furthering the work is not where it needs to be. It isn't to say that we are not doing a great work. We are! There is just more that we need to do and do it better.
I would kindly ask for help in two regards:
1. Write three or four paragraphs directed to your missionary encouraging them to exercise more faith in doing this most important work. Also to express your love, support, and confidence in them doing the work. And lastly to teach them of the prayers that you are offering every morning and night in their behalf. Give them the vision of you kneeling down by your bed and talking with God in their behalf. Please send that to me today via EMAIL. I will have them open it up and read it during our zone conference in a private moment as they try to apply what was taught to their work. Our subject matter for this upcoming zone conference is FAITH in JESUS CHRIST.
2. Continue to pray for them to be obedient, work hard, trust God, and especially grow in their love for the Savior and His Atonement.
I believe this upcoming zone conference will have a huge effect upon them as they are being taught by the Holy Ghost about Faith. Couple that with this letter from the ones they trust more will only add to the power of this meeting.
I thank you for your time and energy. I pray that as you pen this letter, that God will inspire you what to write and say. I know that as you and I work together for your missionary that great things will come of it. I trust God and know that your part will add in a personal way to our success of this conference. Thanks again. God bless you in all you do.
Transfer 4 Week 4, May 10, 2010
It sure was a nice Mother's Day. In church we had wonder talks about moms and two sisters in the ward were asked to bear their testimonies; it was awesome. The closing speaker gave a wonderful talk on biblical mothers, it was very insightful. The Dickson Ward gave every sister 18 and up flowers from the Primary; it was very nice of them. Sister Goff and I went to two sisters’ homes to deliver the gifts we had for them (a card and a rose). We first went to Angie's (Recent Convert) to see how she was doing—she didn't come to church and we were worried. She and Wade have been fighting and it isn't good. Anywhoo, when we showed up and gave her the presents she was happy. She was busy making dinner for her, Wade, Tim, and possibly Milton, who was asleep when we got there. Sister Goff shared a message from the BOM about Helaman's 2,000 sons. I think it really touched Angie's heart.
Mom, I'm sorry about the headache, sounds rough.
It's soo cool to hear about the wallpaper in the formal dinning room. [Lisa started ripping it down after dinner.] What color will you paint it?
I gotta go I still need to write to President Hutchings.
Love all y'all!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Transfer 4 Week 3, May 3, 2010
Talk to y'all in a little bit.
Sister Lizzie
Second email
Well, it's all mostly to do with the flooding which I'm proud to report no missionaries were hurt. Isn't it amazing how the Lord protects His servants? Because of the Flooding we weren't able to have church. There are people in the ward who live where there was more flooding than here in Dickson. We were in the middle of some of it and yes there is flooding in Dickson (we've been encouraged to stay in town and on the main roads). I've never seen so much rain in my entire life, well okay I have all together (all the rain I've seen at home equals that of one, ONE storm here in Tennessee).
That's perfectly fine because we can't call until it's after nine so that'll be what, 8 for y'all? If the weather's like it is right now, I don't think I'll be needing my coat for a bit, but I will keep it with me. When I sent it home I had a bad feeling that I'd be needing it, and I did.
Yay! I love, love, let me repeat, LOVE mail, preferably that of snail.
Well yesterday when we were able to leave our apartments and work we saw Brother John Fuller. He told his great-nephew about the Book of Mormon and the First Vision. It was amazing! It might seem like nothing, but Brother Fuller's memory isn't the best in the world, mine is slightly better than his, slightly.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Transfer 4 Week 2, April 27, 2010
Angie, did you receive the package I sent you?
Yes, I have and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Are you still feeling pretty good?
Yes, I'm feeling great! I don't feel 100% yet, but I'm getting there.
Have you had a chance to look at your bike yet? Where is it, exactly?
Nope, I haven't. My bike is in the shed/garage thingy underneath the house. I'll try to check it tonight at dinner.
Did you cash the checks yet? If you are having trouble getting to a bank, then send them home and we can deposit them for you here. Whatever works best for you.
No, not yet We haven't found a national bank yet so I'll most likely be sending you them before long.
How did the baptism go yesterday?
The baptism was wonderful. John's fellowshipper, Brother Ford, was the one who baptized him. He (Brother Ford) was assisted by Brother Thomas. John has Parkinsons, so he needed assistance with his balance.
Were both John and Matthew baptized?
Nope, just John. Matthew isn't ready and our bishop has told us that we aren't allowed to teach him any more. We've given him to the Fairview Elders to teach. I don't think Matthew is liked in the ward very much, or at least his fellowshippers don't really like him. I never really cared for him—his only redeeming quality was the fact that he's a son of God. He joked one time that he had gotten into a bar fight and had gotten hurt pretty bad, he called us, and his two fellowshippers. He was joking, of course.
Who else are you teaching?
Jennifer and Dana (our baptism dates), Linda Sutton, Bo Kirby (Sister Kirby's son). These are our "good" investigators; the others we'll see if we are in the area. We really only cover Dickson, even though the ward covers more than just one town.
What kind of shopping are you going to do with Sister Carlson?
We didn't go shopping. Sister Carlson wasn't feeling good so we postponed it for a couple of weeks.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Transfer 4 Week 1, April 19, 2010
So transfers are tomorrow, and Sister Goff and I just got the news today. Sister Goff is staying in Dickson, and her companion will be me still. So far we will be each others’ longest companions. I know for me that isn't saying much, I've only been out for three [transfers], but still my other companions have been one transfer, three weeks, and one week ("Mom" Sister Blackham, Sister Sprinkle, and Sister Patterson). Dickson is a wonderful place, even with the fact I broke my wrist here. We have for sure one baptism on April 25; we might have another one on the same day but I don't know.
Not much has really gone on this week, We've had quite a few lessons. We didn't reach our goals, but we had an altogether good week. Next Monday Sister Carlson (the member we live with) wants to take us shopping, and I think it's a good thing that we're both staying here.
Oh, yesterday Sister Goff and I did some church hopping. We went to a Witnesses church. Their services are very similiar to ours, and they were very nice and welcoming to us. We also went to a nondenominational church, the Christian Fellowship Church here in Dickson. They were a lot like the other church we went to. It was awesome to do some church hopping. Sister Goff feels that we shouldn't go to other churches unless we've been invited, and I must agree with her.
Well, I don't know what else to say so I'll say goodbye for now.
love, Lizzie
Angie’s responses to Nina's email:
Angie, how are things your way? Are you feeling better? Any news about your bike?
Things here are good. We have quite a few people to teach, so all is well. I am feeling better. Since I got back in Dickson I've pretty much been running. I haven't seen my bike yet so no news on that yet.
Will you see the doctor again about your elbow and wrist any time soon?
I'll be seeing the doctor in about a month, May 10.
How’s the work progressing?
Good. Like I said before we got a lot of people to teach.
Before I forget, last week Sister Nelson said to tell you “hello.”
Tell her I say "hi" back.
What's up with the car? I know it's like what 12 years old, so is it freaking out because it's just old or what's up?
Great news about the baptisms. What are their names? And what do you do when you go church hopping? Try to find people interested in the LDS Church or just try to make some friends?
John Fuller, and Matthew something. I dunno his last name. When we go church hopping we go to their services and talk to the preacher person and ask them if they have any service they need help with. Pretty much we just go to other churches and unify our cause as Christians. So I guess to make friends.
Angie’s third email:
Before I forget, I would like it if y'all would send me a talk by someone every week if possible. I love reading talks by GAs.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Transfer 3 Week 6, April 12, 2010
Nina: First off, it was so good to hear from you, Angie, that you don’t have to have surgery for your wrist! I was a little surprised to learn you’d broken your elbow, too. I’m just so glad that you’re healing up nicely. Are you able to do full work days, or do you get tuckered out early? I can only imagine that you’re bumped and bruised a bit.
Angie: I was too, but they said it was from how I must have landed that broke my wrist and elbow, though it's not too bad. Yes, I am able to work full days, though at lunch and dinner I do like to lay down for a bit.
Nina: So how’s the work going? Are you finding people to teach? Are the members continuing to treat you well?
Angie: The work is going really well. We are finding people to teach. The work here in Dickson is fluishing [flourishing]. The members are great; they're really helping us out, specially the Carlsons, the members that we kinda live with.
Nina: Tell us a little more about Sister Patterson. Since she’s a Nauvoo sister, will she be heading there soon for the summer tourist season? How does that work exactly?
Angie: Sister Patterson has been out for about 14 months, she's awesome. In the area she was in before President put her with Sister Goff, she had 77 lessons, and this week Sister Goff and I (and Sister Patterson, of course) had 72 lessons. We were shocked! So how the VC sister thing works is during the "off" seasons they are sent to other missions to go out and do what "normal" missionaries do. During the summer months, or "on" seasons they're in the visiter center, giving tours and such, like the missionaries did when we were in Nauvoo.
Well, I'm getting sorer so I'll let y'all go.
Nina: By the way, I forgot to ask…what’s the condition of your bicycle? We bought insurance coverage for it if it’s damaged and needs repair. If it’s in good condition, we need to decide if you’re going to ship it home or see if there’s some way to sell it to a sister in the mission field.
Angie: I dunno, I haven't seen my bike. But I know Sister Patterson was able to ride it so it should be okay to ride. And yes I got the checks. We just really haven't had time to go to a bank to cash them. We'll try though. Well can other banks cash checks that aren't from their bank?
Nina: Take the checks to a big bank like a Wells Fargo or Bank of America. They should be able to help. Don’t go to a credit union.
Okay then, when you get a chance to look at your bike, let me know the state it’s in and what you think you want to do about it.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Harvester April 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Transfer 3 Week 5, April 6, 2010
Email 1—
I got the box on Saturday, though I don't know which shirt I could wear with my purple skirt. I was wearing that shirt when I got hurt. So, like my blue one, it's no longer in working order, but don't worry I'll find some other shirts. I need to anyway with it getting warmer.
Email 2—
First and foremost I'm back to the area I was in before the fall [off the bike. She’s in back in Dickson.] Sister Goff and I are in a trio with Sister Patterson, who is one of the coolest sisters ever. She's a Nauvoo sister. With her we're having a lot of lessons.
They're really good [the new converts]. One got married to his girlfriend a coupler [must be the way she pronounces it] months before they had planned. I don't really know what more to say. That and my arm's hurting. I'll talk with y'all next week.
Email 3—
Yes, I'm still here [in Dickson]. I'm doing well. I have been, and my two great comps are making sure I'm doing well.
News from the doctor: My wrist is broken and so is my elbow. They've put me in a removable cast so I can shower without it. I'm supposed to move my elbow a certain way a number of times throughout the day to keep mobility. And no surgery, thank goodness!!! My arm hurts so I'll talk with y'all later. love.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Transfer 3 Week 5, April 5, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Transfer 3 Week, 4 March 29, 2010
Then I called Sister Hutchings Sunday morning and learned a little more. Angie had hurt her wrist. The tear on the liver didn’t appear to bleeding, or if it was, it wasn’t very much. They expect it to be able to heal on its own. The hospital was planning to do a full body scan on her sometime during the day and we’d hear more later. From a mission perspective, Angie won’t be on a bicycle any more during her mission. She’ll be in a full-time car area. Oh, and of course Angie was given a blessing and the entire mission fasted for her yesterday. And, she missed two additional baptisms Sunday night. It was quite the weekend for her!
I didn’t get a call yesterday afternoon/evening, so I called a little while ago and talked to Sister Hutchings again. This time I learned that Angie has broken bones in the wrist that’s messed up and Sister Hutchings was pretty sure it was the left wrist. There was some discussion about whether or not the wrist needed surgery and she would find out about that later on. [I later learned that she did break the left wrist and her left elbow. She was given a removable cast so she could work/exercise the elbow. And it was determined she did NOT need surgery.] In the meantime, she’s supposed to be picking up Angie this afternoon. In the full body scan they found some bones in her back that appeared to be broken and healed--must have been from a fall she's had. Anyway, that’s all I know for now. I faxed our DMBA insurance card to the mission home. It’s gonna be fun to see what kind of expenses we have from this! The important thing is that Angie is okay, in good spirits, and not in pain.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Transfer 3 Week 3, March 25, 2010
Yes, I sent home a letter, so you should get it soon. Anyway, I'll tell you now. It's 102 1/2 Poplar, Dickson, TN 37055.
So, have the Elders been able to forward your package yet, or have you even been able to send the address yet? It's important you get the tax papers inside.
No, they haven't. If I don't get it by the end of the week I'll tell somebody higher up who can do somefing about it. And will do, Mom.
Tell us about Wade. And how's his mom, Angie, doing?
Wade is cool. He's been a member for about two or so years. His story is this: he found a post-it note crumpled on the bottom of his shoe with the sister missionaries’ number on it. He took the initiative and called the number. The missionaries came over and taught him, and he was baptized. His mom, Angie, would sit in the living room while Wade was being taught in the kitchen. Her heart was being softened as she sat there overhearing what was being taught. Now she's being taught and will be baptized after church on Sunday, March 28, 2010, 13 1/2 years after I got baptized.
Any other investigator news?
Well, one of our potential investigators came to church yesterday. That was cool.
Are you still feeling ill? Are you going to see a doctor about it?
Yeah, I'm still kinda feeling iffy. This past week I've been okay, it wasn't too bad. Sunday though, my stomach really hurt, and it wasn't due to nerves about talking in church. About 7 o'clock last night my stomach and intestines really hurt, I felt like I was going to puke. I did eventually once we got home. It's still on the grass by where we park our car. hehehe.
I put your mission address and email address on your Facebook wall last week. So maybe some of your friends will see them again and write.
That's great. I really do hope some of my friends write me.
Have you received any letters from members of our Ward?
I did get something from members of the ward. 'Twas from the Davis clan. It was really nice of them to send the Easter card and treat.
Tell us something interesting that's happened in the last week.
idk. Oh, we met a family in the ward with the same last name as our mission president. . . . Which reminds me I gotta write him. So I'll talk to y'all next week.
Transfer 3 Week 2, 15 March 2010
The transfer went well. The mission got one new sister, and the rest, of course, were Elders (I didn't count). I don't think President Hutchings moves sisters like he did with us that often if he does with Elders, I wouldn't know. So Dickson got whitewashed and so did my old area. Burgess Falls A really needed new eyes for the area.
Did someone take the two of you and all your stuff in a van or something to move you?
It wasn't just Sister Goff and I who were moving. The other set of sisters, one left for home, and one of the Spanish Elders also left for home. So we had a lot of stuff to take. The car Sister Goff and I got to use President moved to another area, so the sisters drove to Nashville in it. We did have a van for all the junk though.
I looked at a map and it looked to be about a 2-hour drive from Cookeville to Dickson. Was that about right?
It's about two hours from Cookeville to Nashville. Dickson is about an hour from Nashville. We're in the Franklin Zone, though.
What's the new area like?
Awesome. Since there haven't been sisters here for a while everyone is very warm to us. It's very nice. It's a part time car area so, I'm riding my bike. I haven't been feeling the best so Sister Hutchings thinks I might have an ulcer, dunno.
Are you starting from scratch to find people to teach?
Yes, and no. The Elders had people they were teaching, but the area book isn't the best.
How's the new apartment/house?
It's awesome. It belongs to a member so we kinda stay with them. It's a house by itself, but we're right "next door" so we can come over and talk wif 'em if we want/can.
What's your address there?
Don't know, gotta send me a letter for me to know.
How's the ward?
Great. We're sisters and they haven't had sisters for a while so they are just loving us. The bishop even told people to give us rides if they can.
You'll let me know when you receive the package I sent, right? We got the two boxes you sent. What are you using instead of the coat you sent home?
Of course I'll tell you when I get the package. I told the Elders to send it to me once they get it. I might have to send them a letter to let them know where to send the package, so once I know the address they can send it to me. And I'll let you know.
Tell us interesting things that happened during the week.
Well, nothing too exciting. We just set a baptismal date with a woman named Angie. She's really nice, has some WOW issues but is wonderful nevertheless. Her son, Wade, joined the church about two years ago and now she's going to be baptized. Wade's story is awesome I'll have to tell y'all it later. I gotta write President Hutchings.
Bye-bye for now.
P.S. Have Amanda WRITE ME, along with all my other friends.
From a second email:
I forgot to tell you why I sent the coat home. I bought a smaller jacket that should do just fine, for biking and perhaps even when it rains. I don't know. I haven't been feeling very well so I might have an ulcer. We'll see.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Transfer 3 Week 1, 8 March 2010
How did the missionary work go this week? Share some details—interesting stories, stuff like that.
Missionary work is a little slow, though Sister Sprinkle and Sister Winder had a baptism on Saturday. We are "moving" to Dickson, TN which is why I wanted to know if you sent the package to the mission office or not. We'll see what Dickson will have for us. I'll tell you more next week.
Bye for now.
Love Sister Angela "Lizzie" Whitehead
Monday, March 1, 2010
Transfer 2 Week 5, 1 March 2010
Good. We are at WAR!!! President Hutchings has asked all of the TN Nashville Mission Missionaries to up our game. WAR stands for We Are Running. It's very cool to see what happens when we increase our goals. The Lord helps us in any way that we need. Along with being at war, Pres. Hutchings has asked us to read the Book of Mormon and highlight all references to Christ, His names, etc. I'd like to ask y'all to do the same; we will see just how important the BofM is in our lives if we do.
How are the investigators, the companions, the scheduled baptisms?
The investigators are awesome. We are teaching a part-member family, the Reeds. Thursday, Feb. 25 the spirit was so strong during the lesson that afterward Sister Goff and I were tired. We just wanted to go to bed and sleep, and we had about two and half hours left before we could. We told our District Leader, Elder Pearson, about it and he told us that that's how he feels after he gives a blessing. Sister Goff and I were, "Well, that's why we’re girls, we would be able to handle feeling this tired all the time." Since Thursday we've been drudging along. I think it's because we're listening to celtic music in the car, soothing celtic music. We had to reschedule a baptism with Wanda Kelley. We had sent the date for the 27th of March. She and her husband weren't feeling good this past Sunday (yesterday) and she's only been to church once, so Wanda can come three more times before her scheduled baptism. Sister Goff was definitely inspired to set the date for a month from the date we had set it.
How's the weather, the car, the bicycle?
The Weather: cold, but nice.
The Car: We were running out of miles, but we had enough to last us to last Sunday with about twenty or so miles left.
The Bike: it has a flat tire so I can't really ride it, but I have it assembled! So I can use it.
What have you been doing that would be interesting for us to hear?
Read the Book of Mormon and highlight all the names of Christ, then read the BofM again and highlight in a different color the principles, and a third time highlight in yet another color all the doctrines. As of right now, I'm on the first one, highlighting all the names of Christ.
Since I'm the junior companion I get to back [the car]. Sister Goff has given me incentive to back. She's been giving me, well I should say, has been giving my future spouse qualities that I'd like. It's really funny what she says. Other than this I can't really think of anything. So I'm gonna say goodbye for now.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Transfer 2 Week 4, 22 February 2010
Well, one new thing is we got Wanda Kelley back, she is still strong in her faith. I AM SOOOOOOOO HAPPY for her.
How are things going with Kewandra?
Kewandra is growing so much. She knows the BoM is true, she knows she needs to be baptized, and Joseph Smith is a prophet. She feels that she should wait until she's 14 so she'll know more. We've committed her to pick her own date to work for and showed her all the interview questions she'll be asked. We just haven't gone over the commandments with her, every thing else we taught her.
Were you and your companion teaching Linda Surfield, or was it one of the other companionships?
Both. Sister Sprinkle and Sister Taft were the first to start teaching her as far as I know. When S. Taft went back to Spanish, S. Sprinkle came with S. Blackham and I for the rest of the transfer. Sister Sprinkle and Sister Winder were the last missionaries to teach Linda.
Is tracting getting any easier? Do you spend a lot of time tracting?
Going up to people and talking to them is getting a lot easier. We spend more time contacting than tracting. Our area has been picked through with a fine tooth comb. So it's a little hard, but good.
How are the members in helping with missionary work? Any splits?
Those who go out with us are great. There's about 2-4 members who sign up and come out with us. So far, we haven't, but Sisters Sprinkle and Winder have needed to because Sister Sprinkle has gotten really sick. She was until the end of this transfer before she goes home.
What have you been doing for your service hours lately?
We've helped members out with them moving. Other than that we don't really do service hours.
Any special events or meetings coming up soon?
No, not really, or at least not that I know of.
Just tell us about what you've been doing.
Well, this week (Monday-Wednesday) I went over to McMinnville to go on exchanges with Sisters Fear and Blackham. Sister Fear came here to Cookeville and stayed with Sister Goff. I got to be with my "mommy" again. While there, someone in the McMinnville ward had passed away. It was hard, but the people there were strong. We saw an RC (recent convert) named Josh or Jacob, I don't really remember, anywho, he was really nice, and his parents were very sweet. We went over to his house to give his sister a study journal; she wasn't there though. We also went for FHE at a member’s home. It was just Sister Blackham and I and her.
Oh! We got my bike set up, I don't remember if I've told you that already or not.
I can’t think of anything else to say, so I'll be going now.