Monday, March 1, 2010

Transfer 2 Week 5, 1 March 2010

How have things been going?
Good. We are at WAR!!! President Hutchings has asked all of the TN Nashville Mission Missionaries to up our game. WAR stands for We Are Running. It's very cool to see what happens when we increase our goals. The Lord helps us in any way that we need. Along with being at war, Pres. Hutchings has asked us to read the Book of Mormon and highlight all references to Christ, His names, etc. I'd like to ask y'all to do the same; we will see just how important the BofM is in our lives if we do.

How are the investigators, the companions, the scheduled baptisms?
The investigators are awesome. We are teaching a part-member family, the Reeds. Thursday, Feb. 25 the spirit was so strong during the lesson that afterward Sister Goff and I were tired. We just wanted to go to bed and sleep, and we had about two and half hours left before we could. We told our District Leader, Elder Pearson, about it and he told us that that's how he feels after he gives a blessing. Sister Goff and I were, "Well, that's why we’re girls, we would be able to handle feeling this tired all the time." Since Thursday we've been drudging along. I think it's because we're listening to celtic music in the car, soothing celtic music. We had to reschedule a baptism with Wanda Kelley. We had sent the date for the 27th of March. She and her husband weren't feeling good this past Sunday (yesterday) and she's only been to church once, so Wanda can come three more times before her scheduled baptism. Sister Goff was definitely inspired to set the date for a month from the date we had set it.

How's the weather, the car, the bicycle?
The Weather: cold, but nice.
The Car: We were running out of miles, but we had enough to last us to last Sunday with about twenty or so miles left.
The Bike: it has a flat tire so I can't really ride it, but I have it assembled! So I can use it.

What have you been doing that would be interesting for us to hear?
Read the Book of Mormon and highlight all the names of Christ, then read the BofM again and highlight in a different color the principles, and a third time highlight in yet another color all the doctrines. As of right now, I'm on the first one, highlighting all the names of Christ.

Since I'm the junior companion I get to back [the car]. Sister Goff has given me incentive to back. She's been giving me, well I should say, has been giving my future spouse qualities that I'd like. It's really funny what she says. Other than this I can't really think of anything. So I'm gonna say goodbye for now.

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