Monday, May 10, 2010

Letter to Family from Pres. Hutchings

Dear Family members of our missionaries,

This morning I got up early and pondered our upcoming zone conferences this week. The impression came to write a quick email to all the families of our missionaries and ask for their help. I find our mission and missionaries as a whole in a state of complacency. Faith has taken a back seat to a little disobedience, not working as hard as we should, not trusting God enough, and not applying Christ like characteristics to our lives and our work. I find as a whole that the commitment to furthering the work is not where it needs to be. It isn't to say that we are not doing a great work. We are! There is just more that we need to do and do it better.

I would kindly ask for help in two regards:

1. Write three or four paragraphs directed to your missionary encouraging them to exercise more faith in doing this most important work. Also to express your love, support, and confidence in them doing the work. And lastly to teach them of the prayers that you are offering every morning and night in their behalf. Give them the vision of you kneeling down by your bed and talking with God in their behalf. Please send that to me today via EMAIL. I will have them open it up and read it during our zone conference in a private moment as they try to apply what was taught to their work. Our subject matter for this upcoming zone conference is FAITH in JESUS CHRIST.

2. Continue to pray for them to be obedient, work hard, trust God, and especially grow in their love for the Savior and His Atonement.

I believe this upcoming zone conference will have a huge effect upon them as they are being taught by the Holy Ghost about Faith. Couple that with this letter from the ones they trust more will only add to the power of this meeting.

I thank you for your time and energy. I pray that as you pen this letter, that God will inspire you what to write and say. I know that as you and I work together for your missionary that great things will come of it. I trust God and know that your part will add in a personal way to our success of this conference. Thanks again. God bless you in all you do.

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