Monday, May 3, 2010

Transfer 4 Week 3, May 3, 2010

First email

This week has been something else, especially this weekend. I don't know how many of you know this but it rained a lot, and I mean A LOT, so much so that there's flooding, and the members that we live with woke us up at around 5-5:30 because there was a chance of a tornado coming, Obviously we're safe and sound so no need to worry about us because of that. We were going to have a Gladys Knight fireside tomorrow, but because of all the rain and the flooding (which Nashville got a lot of because of it's lower elevation—flooding that is [see news photo above]) the fireside has been cancelled. They weren't able to fly in either so that's a part of it too.

Oh, before I forget I'll tell you about my bike, which got a little water on it. My bike is okay from the accident that happened a little over a month ago; the only thing wrong with my bike is the seat kinda got torn a bit but it's still in working order so all's good there as well.

I'll send another email when I get Mom's.
Talk to y'all in a little bit.
Sister Lizzie

Second email

Dear those who love me enough to write me,

About the flooding—
Well, it's all mostly to do with the flooding which I'm proud to report no missionaries were hurt. Isn't it amazing how the Lord protects His servants? Because of the Flooding we weren't able to have church. There are people in the ward who live where there was more flooding than here in Dickson. We were in the middle of some of it and yes there is flooding in Dickson (we've been encouraged to stay in town and on the main roads). I've never seen so much rain in my entire life, well okay I have all together (all the rain I've seen at home equals that of one, ONE storm here in Tennessee).

About Mother’s Day and returning her coat—
That's perfectly fine because we can't call until it's after nine so that'll be what, 8 for y'all? If the weather's like it is right now, I don't think I'll be needing my coat for a bit, but I will keep it with me. When I sent it home I had a bad feeling that I'd be needing it, and I did.
Yay! I love, love, let me repeat, LOVE mail, preferably that of snail.

About the work—
Well yesterday when we were able to leave our apartments and work we saw Brother John Fuller. He told his great-nephew about the Book of Mormon and the First Vision. It was amazing! It might seem like nothing, but Brother Fuller's memory isn't the best in the world, mine is slightly better than his, slightly.

Because of the flooding Sister Goff and I have opportunities to serve our community more than we have, we can share the gospel while we help people out.

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