Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Transfer 4 Week 2, April 27, 2010

I know I'm a day "late" in emailing y'all, but yesterday when we went to email, the internet was down. One thing I don't like about using public computers—you can't really rely on them—well, not as much as you could one that belongs to you. This week we had a baptism. And we set two, count 'em two dates, for April 16, and the 23rd. Both were referred to us by members. Members help us out a lot. I love getting referrals from members because if the person is interested they have an instant fellowshipper. Now on to your questions:

Angie, did you receive the package I sent you?
Yes, I have and thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Are you still feeling pretty good?
Yes, I'm feeling great! I don't feel 100% yet, but I'm getting there.

Have you had a chance to look at your bike yet? Where is it, exactly?
Nope, I haven't. My bike is in the shed/garage thingy underneath the house. I'll try to check it tonight at dinner.

Did you cash the checks yet? If you are having trouble getting to a bank, then send them home and we can deposit them for you here. Whatever works best for you.
No, not yet We haven't found a national bank yet so I'll most likely be sending you them before long.

How did the baptism go yesterday?
The baptism was wonderful. John's fellowshipper, Brother Ford, was the one who baptized him. He (Brother Ford) was assisted by Brother Thomas. John has Parkinsons, so he needed assistance with his balance.

Were both John and Matthew baptized?
Nope, just John. Matthew isn't ready and our bishop has told us that we aren't allowed to teach him any more. We've given him to the Fairview Elders to teach. I don't think Matthew is liked in the ward very much, or at least his fellowshippers don't really like him. I never really cared for him—his only redeeming quality was the fact that he's a son of God. He joked one time that he had gotten into a bar fight and had gotten hurt pretty bad, he called us, and his two fellowshippers. He was joking, of course.

Who else are you teaching?
Jennifer and Dana (our baptism dates), Linda Sutton, Bo Kirby (Sister Kirby's son). These are our "good" investigators; the others we'll see if we are in the area. We really only cover Dickson, even though the ward covers more than just one town.

What kind of shopping are you going to do with Sister Carlson?
We didn't go shopping. Sister Carlson wasn't feeling good so we postponed it for a couple of weeks.

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