Monday, December 20, 2010

Transfer 9 Week 6, December 20, 2010

Dear Mom/Family,

The situation with the comps is a little better I suppose. We've talked a lot about transfers and where we might go. One of our RCs [recent converts] said that I would be going and that I needed to come to terms with that fact. I didn't really liked how she said it, but I knew it to be true, and if I leave, I leave. I can't believe we are at week six of my ninth transfer in the field, and it's almost Christmas. I can remember telling President Hutchings that before we knew it Christmas would be here (I had been talking about how fast time was going).

There have been times when I think I give too much. (gift wise). There are a lot of presents under the trees (we have 3), most are from our families, and from ourselves most are from me. I'm not sure if they've even gotten me anything, not that that matters, but I just feel alone, not a part of the companionship at times and when I try, they don't want me to be there. They stop talking when I enter the room and it makes me feel as though they were talking about me, and the looks they give . . . I just hate it. There are times when I want to call and quit being a missionary because of how I feel. (Obviously I'm still here so I haven't called and quit.)

Enough of the sad. We will be having breakfast with the WML and his family at 10 so we can call then on their phones and on ours so I will most likely be calling in the morning, about 10 for ya'll, I'm not gonna make dad get up before nine to talk with me. We will also be having dinner with Jamie, and open some presents with her.

I think I'm gonna give my comps some gift cards for Walmart (one card each---I'm not that giving), along with something else. I just hope I can get the gift cards without them knowing.

Well, there are others that I need to write so I will leave ya'll with a wish for you to have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

Second Email
I forgot to say that I have the gifts you sent. I'm not sure if I have the ones grandma sent. The gifts only said "love mom and dad," so I don't know what if anything has happened to the gifts she sent. Maybe I'll get them today.

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